Could not load file or assembly SkiaSharp, Version=

Hi Everyone

I create a windows form project, using Aspose.Word 22.12.0

Here is a simple function:

  • Loading a *.docx tempplate
  • replace content
  • then save to *.pdf

The project are deployed using ClickOnce
After install and execute fcuntion, I got an error

System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly SkiaSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756’. Access is denied.

But if I run the *.exe in deloyment path, like

{deployment_path}\Application Files\{project_name}_1_0_0_12\*.exe

The function works !

Everything is going well when I develop, build and test
Only installation of ClickOnce deployment setup.exe produces error

Is anyone can help?

great thanks :smiley:

@dpii, could you please share your application so we can reproduce and analyze the issue? If that’s not possible, could you try to create a minimal Windows Forms project that would allow us to reproduce the problem?

I create a minimal project to test core function, no same problem happen.
After I clean and rebuild the original project, it works too. :grin:
Even though I still don’t why, the problem seems to be solved.
Thanks for your reply.

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