Could you please provide an example of using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop in a WPF application

I’m looking at your online documentation on my end, and it appears to be displaying incompletely. For instance, the link you provided (Using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop in WPF Application|Documentation) only shows the content from the images and doesn’t display the code for FrameworkElement_OnLoaded. 新建 BMP 图像.jpg (70.2 KB)

1.jpg (231.0 KB)
The online documents do not display any code at all.


Perhaps your network or environment has restrictions or cannot access/display images or codes (Github repos.) in those documentation pages. Please find attached the document containing examples, images and contents of articles. (64.0 KB)

Thank you, the issue has been resolved…

You are welcome. If you have any other issues, please feel free to contact us.