Crash Word 2003 (Aspose.Word 6.4.00)

I have a problem with the attached document generated with AsposeWord 6.4.00.
(The macro can be disable)
Some users have Word crashing when opening this document.
There were no crash with previous version of Aspose and I don’t found why Word is crashing.
Is this problem known? Have you an idea on how to correct this problem?
Thanks for your helps


Thanks for your request. I can successfully open your document in MS Word 2002/2003/2007. Which version of MS Word crashes to open this document? Also, please show the code you use to generate this document.
Best regards.

Word 2003 SP3 (11.8237.8821)
Most of users can open the document but it crash on about 1/10 of them (same version of word and nothing seems different).
I think there is a link beetween this crash and the file. I tried to delete this file, it works for few users but word crash again later.
thanks for your help
(part of source code in attachement)

Sorry but i had a wrong version. Users are in 6.2. I see in the patch note 6.4 that there is some corrections about word 2003.
I’m doing some tests with 6.4
Thanks again for your help


Thank you for additional information. I also successfully opened your document in MS Word 2003 SP3.
Best regards.

I have the same problem with Aspose.Word 6.4
Do you need the file ? It could help to reproduce the crash ?
Is there any issue known about some crashs with Word 2003 ?

No, there are no issues about crashes documents produced by Aspose.Words. Please reattach your document here, maybe you have attached wrong document and that is why I cannot reproduce the problem. Also, please attach your template; I will try to fill it with data on my side.

Best regards.

It seems it is an Office-Word Bug. I’ll see with Microsoft support.
Thanks for your help


Thank you for your investigation. Please let us know when you get an answer from Microsoft support.
Best regards.

I recieved the answer from Microsoft Support :
Lancer WORD + Outils + Options de correction automatique + Onglet « Balises actives » + Décocher l’option « Marquer le texte avec des balises actives »
(sorry i don’t know in english version)
It resolves our problem, no more Word 2003 crashes.
Thank for your help

Thank you. It is perfect that the issue is resolved.