Create a PDF as PDF/A


I am using Aspose.Pdf to convert tiff files to PDF. I am using Aspose.pdf.generator

I now need to enhance it so that the resultant PDF is PDF/A compliant.

Can you provide a code sample for me please?


Hi Prakash,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please check documentation link for creating PDFA document with Aspose.Pdf.Generator.

However, please note the approach is obsolete now. It is recommended to use Aspose.Pdf (new generator) for the purpose. It is more efficient and reliable. Moreover it is not only capable of creating PDF document from scratch but can edit existing PDF document as well. Please check following documentation links for converting TIFF to PDF and converting it to PDFA. While converting image to PDF you can use convert method for PDFA conversion before saving PDF Document.

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,