Create MailMerge document

Please could you advice?
We have been trying to create a MS-Word document containing mailmerge fields. We have been using the code below.

Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document();
Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder bld = new Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder(doc);
bld.Writeln("my document, par 1");
bld.Write("Name: ");
bld.InsertField(@"MERGEFIELD Name \* MERGEFORMAT", "John Doe");
bld.Write("Address: ");
bld.InsertField(@"MERGEFIELD Address \* MERGEFORMAT", "Street 1");
bld.Writeln("my document, par 2");

Now we wish to achieve that when we open the document with MS-Word the fields will be shown in the “Insert Merge Field” dropdown. Which is default when one creates a mailmerge document in MS-Word.
Is there a way to accomplish this? It’s pretty important to us. In plain English, we wish to create a MS-Word document where we can select mailmerge fields from the “Insert Mailmerge Field” dropdown.
Kind regards,
Jan Stolk
The Netherlands.

Thanks for your request. Merge fields you can select from “Insert Merge Filed” dropdown are selected from MailMerge datasource. Unfortunately you can’t specify MailMerge datasource using Aspose.Words. I think that you can just copy/paste the existing MergeFileds in document.
Best regards.