I am replacing some old COM Interop functionality with Aspose.Words.
I have an old method that creates a new document from a template document (can be .dotx or .docx).
The old method in COM interop resembles what happens if you doubleclick a .dotx and saves it.
This results in (at least) the following to be true for the new document
- The document revision property is reset
- The author name is set to the current user - not the one who created the template
- Creation date are reset.
- And maybe others I don’t know of yet.
I would like the new Aspose counterpart to do the same.
Are there any method of instantiating a template and saving it as new?
My current code just does the following:
var document = new Document(templatePath);
But that just saves the document in another location.
I can of course set the properties my self after creation of the document object - I was just wondering if you already have the functionality?
Best regards