Create new Templates

We bought the aspose words component a couple of weeks ago. One of my tasks is to write code to enable the users to create a new word template. In order to do this, I need to set the datasource of the new template that is being created and then display it to the user so that they can add/remove fields that they feel are necessary and save it so that later on they can do a mailmerge using this newly created template.
I tried to set the new document’s IsTemplate property to true so that it knows that the document being created is a template, but it doesnt make a difference. When the word document opens (I am using Office 2007), and I click on the Mailings tab, the write & insert fields options are disabled, so I cant add a field.
I looked on your website for documentation regarding this, but wasnt able to find anything. It would be great if you can provide me with the necessary information.

Thanks for your request. Unfortunately you can’t specify Mail Merge DataSource using Aspose.Words. This is logged in our defect database as feature request #5170.
However you can perform Mail Merge using Aspose.Words. Please see the following link for more information.
Best regards.

Thanks for the reply. I guess we will have to tell the users to do it manually for now. Do you know when you guys might take care of this issue?

Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately I can’t provide you any estimate regarding this issue at the moment. I will notify you as soon as I have any new information regarding it
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 5170) have been fixed in this update.