Hi, Our company is interested in your product and trying trial version with temporally license for Aspose OMR for .Net.
I’m trying to generate the OMR template using the example in GitHub (GitHub - aspose-omr/Aspose.OMR-for-.NET: Aspose.OMR for .NET examples, plugins and showcase projects https://products.aspose.com/omr/net) but can not get right result. I’m using ‘Grid.txt’ in GitHub and get the result without ‘bubble’ markup as attaching image.
Grid.png (182.3 KB)
What do I need to do to get the right result? Please advise. Thank you in advance.
Thank you Aspose!
But I think I could solve it now! Since I was copying ‘Grid.txt’ from Create OMR Template from Text Markup using Aspose.OMR for .NET instead of GitHub(https://github.com/aspose-omr/Aspose.OMR-for-.NET/blob/master/TestData/Generation/Grid.txt), it didn’t give me the right result. The location of () is important.
Now I get the bubbles! Grid.png (227.0 KB)
I appreciate your response anyway!
Sorry… I’ve succeeded making ‘bubble’ on each answer, but I came up with another question on generating template from text markup.
I tried to use our actual survey question to generate the OMR template but seeing the result image, it cuts off the bottom and right side of question#4. Is there any way to set the template/image size so that all the questionnaire fits in one? I’m attaching the screenshot of text markup file and its result with image.
I appreciate your help. survey_text.jpg (314.6 KB)
survey.png (344.8 KB)
Could you kindly share your sample text markup template in .zip format with us. We will further proceed to assist you accordingly.
Hello asad.ali,
Thank you for prompt response! I really appreciate your help!
I’m attaching our text markup template with zip. Could you please take a look into it?
But after throwing this question yesterday, I kind start thinking I might be misunderstanding how to utilize Aspose OMR.
Here is my thought creating/utilizing OMR template to read the survey form and save it into CSV
1.Prepare ‘text markup file’ to create OMR template for the survey form
2. Using OmrEngine and GenerationResult to generate the OMR template file (.omr) and the image of the sheet
3. Using the image of the sheet which is generated at #2, print it out and use it as the survey form for customer to fill out.
4. Scan the survey form customer filled out and then perform OMR operation on it to save into CSV
I’m not sure about #3 now. Is this the way to print out ‘OMR template sheet’ for actual use for survey? If I’m taking wrong way, please advise.
Again, our company is really interested in your products so I appreciate your support.
Thank you,
survey.zip (306.4 KB)
Yes, your understanding are correct. The resultant image should be used as OMR Template File. However, if at any point, you need any assistance while using the API. Please feel free to let us know. We will be more than happy to assist you accordingly.
Regarding testing your template and sharing the feedback, the process is underway and we will be back soon. Please spare us little time.
Thank you @asad.ali,
I’m glad to hear my understanding are correct.
I think there’s a limitation for lines and width in one page and my questionnaire in the testing template is exceeded it so that’s why it cuts off the bottom and right. Am I right?
If it’s so and if there’s a way to change the font size or increase the numbers of lines, could you please tell me how?
I really appreciate your help!
Yes, you are right. We were also able to replicate the issue in our environment. However, when we divided the long line in text markup by pressing Enter, the resultant image was fine. Nevertheless, we have logged an issue as OMRNET-45 in our issue tracking system for this behavior of the API during template generation.
As per current limitations of the API, we are afraid that required features are not available. We have logged a feature request as OMRNET-46 in our issue tracking system for the sake of implementation.
We will further look into details of both logged tickets and keep you posted on the status of their resolution. Please be patient and spare us little time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you so much for your support.
We will look forward to hearing from ASPOSE for implementation on these, but meanwhile we try to generate the template utilizing the current functionalities on OMR as much as possible.
Sure, you may please keep evaluating the API and in case you notice any issue or missing feature, please feel free to let us know. We will address it accordingly.