Create Raster Mask


I need to create a PSD file which suppose to have multiple layers and each layer needs to have a raster mask.
For raster mask I need to set mask from svg or png file as its based path.

I tried below lines but getting this error:
Invalid layer mask parameter (ImageData). Mask data bytes length should be equal MaskRectangle.Width * MaskRectangle.Height properties.

 LayerMaskData layerMask = new LayerMaskDataFull();
 layerMask.MaskRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, dto.Width, dto.Height);
 layerMask.ImageData =  mask;

the mask is byte array which parsed from my png file.

Wondering if there is any sample exists.

Thank you


The some examples can be found here Editing raster layer masks in PSD file via API|Documentation

Could you please provide the full working code (with creation or opening the PSD Image).

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find similar example there.

I pushed my code into public repo.
Kindly have a look.

Also, I shared what I wish to achieve here for your reference.

@MoeMollaei I created a task: PSDNET-1364. Prepare an example of adding mask or/and improve the API to make it simpler

It will be investigated next week and then you will be texted or will be created a task about improvement of API