Create with Aspose.OCR our recognition templates

We’re interested in an OMR components for .NET
Could we create with Aspose.OCR our recognition templates/papers??
I’ll be interested in some youtube video in order to see the process and capabilities of your OMR component

This message was posted using Email2Forum by Tahir Manzoor.

Hi Romero,

Thank you for considering Aspose products, and welcome to Aspose.OCR support forum.

Once the Aspose.OCR for .NET component is installed on your machine, you can use the Aspose.OMR.TemplateEditor.exe available in Aspose\Aspose.OCR for .NET\bin\net3.5 folder to create the templates as per your requirement. A detailed documentation is available for your reference on this link.

Unfortunately, we currently do not have a video that we could refer. We will try to create one at earliest and provide the link here for your future reference.