Created PPT Using Input Stream in Java. The getSlides Method Is Returning Null

I have created a presentation using the inputStream. Post creation, when I try to access each slide, I get null result.

newPresentation  = new Presentation(customIs); 
ISlide slide = newPresentation.getSlide().get_Item(1);

Can you please let me know what am I missing ? Or should we construct slide object separately while creating presentation?

Thank you for contacting support.

To investigate the case and help you, we need more details. Could you please tell us how we can reproduce the problem on our end?

Hi @andrey.potapov

I have a regular input stream and as mentioned I have created a Presentation out of it.
The PPT that I use has 31 slides (in native MS PPT).
How do I access slide by slide ?

Presentation newPresentation  = new Presentation(customIs); 
ISlide slide = newPresentation.getSlide().get_Item(1);

Here, slide is null

Please check your results using the latest version of Aspose.Slides for Java if possible. If the issue persists, please share the following files and information:

  • sample presentation file you used
  • complete code example
  • OS version on which the code was executed
  • JDK version in your app
  • Aspose.Slides version you used

This is using latest slides version. (23.12 jdk16.jar)
Attached the sample PPT
Testing PDF (3.6 KB)

Thank you for the issue details. I am working on the issue and will get back to you soon.

Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the problem you encountered. Could you please share a complete code example?

Please note that the attached presentation contains only one slide.