Creating a cv using your object model


After evaluating your product I would like to know if it is possible to create a cv using your product, for instance I have a cv template with predefined mail merge fields which is fine and I know will work. The problem I have is creating table using the documentbuilder, Can this be done?



Hi Nathan,

DocumentBuilder will allow building tables very soon. Likely by the end of this week.

Are you sure you want to use DocumentBuilder to do this? Alternative (and probably simpler way) is to insert one row of the table into the document in MS Word and create a mail merge region inside that row and then mail merge into that region - this will cause number of rows in the table to grow. You can have several tables for different sections of the cv and each one can be a separate mail merge region.

The advantage of using report generation (mail merge) is that you keep your business code and visual layout of the report separate. It is much nicer and easier to build visual layout in MS Word rather than programmatically.