Creating and updating an Exchange Meeting Request

Is there a way to create, update and cancel, a meeting request? Are there any examples or documentation to do this?

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Please refer to page for sample code and documentation for creating a meeting request. An article is available at for cancelling meeting requests.

In the below example, I have merged all 3 create, update and delete examples.
Please note that, first we get Appointment.UniquieID when the appointment is created. And we use this unique ID to later update and cancel the appointment.

Console.WriteLine(“Trying to send an email with meeting request…”);
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(host, port, username, password);
if (isSSL == true)
client.Port = portSSL;
client.EnableSsl = true;
client.SecurityMode = SmtpSslSecurityMode.Explicit;
MailMessage message = new MailMessage(sender, recipient, “05 - test email - single meeting request”, “test email”);
// create the meeting request
Appointment app = new Appointment(“meeting request”, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1),
DateTime.Now.AddHours(1.5), sender, recipient);
app.Summary = “meeting request summary”;
app.Description = “description”;
Console.WriteLine(“Meeting request sent. Please check Inbox. Next step is to Update this appointment.”);

// update appointment - time one hour later
Appointment appUpdate = new Appointment(“meeting request”, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1),
DateTime.Now.AddHours(1.5), sender, recipient);
appUpdate.UniqueId = app.UniqueId;
appUpdate.StartDate = app.StartDate.AddHours(1);
appUpdate.EndDate = app.StartDate.AddHours(1);
appUpdate.Location = “update meeting request”;
appUpdate.Summary = “update meeting request summary”;
appUpdate.Description = “update”;

MailMessage msgUpdate = new MailMessage(sender, recipient, “06 - test email - update meeting request”, “test email”);
Console.WriteLine(“Update request sent. Please check Inbox. The appointment should be updated in Calendar. Next step is to cancel this appointment.”);

// cancel appointment
Appointment appCancel = new Appointment(“meeting request”, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1),
DateTime.Now.AddHours(1.5), sender, recipient);
appCancel.UniqueId = app.UniqueId;
appCancel.Location = “cancel meeting request”;
appCancel.Summary = “cancel meeting request summary”;
appCancel.Description = “cancel”;

MailMessage msgCancel = new MailMessage(sender, recipient, “07 - test email - cancel meeting request”, “test email”);
Console.WriteLine(“Cancel request sent. Please check Inbox. A cancel meeting request should be present in Inbox.”);
catch (Exception ex)