Creating Intricate Tags for Dynamic Word Document Generation with LINQ Reporting Engine

Is it feasible to generate dynamic content in Word documents using complex tags? For instance, consider a scenario where you aim to filter the values of “fname” and “lname,” concatenate them, and subsequently convert the result to uppercase. Is it possible to encapsulate all these operations within a single tag, like <<[fname.where(n => n == "Text").Concat(lname.where(n => n == "Test")).Sum()]:upper>>?


LINQ Reporting Engine template expressions do not have any restrictions on their complexity. As long as correct template syntax is used, it should work.

For example, the provided tag is malformed, because it uses Concat, Sum, and where. These should be Concat, Sum, and Where, or concat, sum, and where depending on a platform (i.e. .NET or Java) used. See Enumeration Extension Methods (.NET) and Enumeration Extension Methods (Java) for more information.

Also, there is no data source present. Depending on its structure, other adjustments may be required.