Creating PDF to png


I have pdf document which 48kb document, when I try to convert into PNG it is increasing to 156, it should be reduced right?
any suggestion?
if tried with resolution but no help.

Resolution resolution = new Resolution(72);
PngDevice png = new PngDevice(resolution);
Document comppdfDocument = new Document(“C:\Users\dummy.pdf”);
for (int Page_counter = 1; Page_counter <= comppdfDocument.getPages().size(); Page_counter++)
Page page = comppdfDocument.getPages().get_Item(Page_counter);
png.process(page, “C:\Daya\aspose\pdfPng”+Page_counter+".png");

Please note that the input pdf have only text nothing else

Please reduce the size of PDF by removing unnecessary objects, and then convert it to the PNG format. You optimize the size of PDF by calling OptimizeResources method of the Document class. Please refer to this help topic: Optimize PDF File Size

If this does not help, then send us your PDF document, we will investigate and share our findings with you.

Best Regards,
Imran Rafique