Creating Picture from GIF Image in Java

I tried to create a Picture object from a GIF image and it threw this exception:

Exception in thread "main" com.aspose.powerpoint.PptReadException: Unsupported image format.

I downloaded the lastest demo jar file and it throws the same exeception. Inserting JPG files works fine. I found an older forum post from August 4, 2005 that confirms this issue and noticed the reference to Java JAI library.

I downloaded JAI from the java site and converted the GIF to JPG in my code and it works great. Could Aspose.Powerpoint do the same thing? Here are the four lines of java that I added to my application:


RenderedOp op = JAI.create("fileload", "picture.gif");
JAI.create("filestore", op, "picture.jpg", "jpeg", null);

When will Aspose.Powerpoint support GIF files?

Thank you,
Randy Stegbauer

Dear Randy,

We used JAI in the first version but temporary disabled it because of some problems.

We will return it back in the next releases.