Creating/populating public distribution lists in Office 365

The goal of my project is to create a number of public distribution lists from a separately maintained SQL DB.
Right now, using Aspose, I can get the members of a specific list (if the account I am running under is an owner of that distribution list).
I can not find any code samples that allow me to create a public list (only private ones) or to add new members a public list (again, I have only seen how to add to a private one).

I will also need the ability to add new Contacts into Exchange (but I have not looked at this yet in your system).

If this functionality supported? And if so, are there code samples available?
C#.NET, the project will be running as a console application / scheduled task.


Please read the following articles to achieve your requirement.
Working with Distribution Lists on Exchange Server
Working with Distribution Lists

Please read the following article to work with contacts on Exchange Server.
Working with Contacts on Exchange Server

I did read those links, and the examples are all (with one exception, which is “Expand Public Distribution List”) about Private Distribution Lists, not Public. I have that one example working, so I can read the current members of the list, but can not find any methods that will allow updating a public distribution list.

I need everybody in my organization to have the ability to send emails to these lists, so a private list will not work.


Please read the following article to update the distribution list. Hope this helps you.
Update Distribution List in PST

Again, this link is related to “PersonalStorage”, while I need public.

If ASPOSE is not capable of dealing with public distribution lists, that’s fine, I will find an alternative. Just let me know.

As I said, I need everybody in my organization to have the ability to send emails to these lists, so a private list will not work.


We have logged your requirement in our issue tracking system as EMAILNET-40764. You will be informed via this forum thread once there is an update available on it. We apologize for your inconvenience.


We have closed the ticket EMAILNET-40764. All available methods of working with private distribution lists are described in the following article.
Working with Distribution Lists on Exchange Server

Aspose.Email implements EWS operations in Exchange and only one method exists for public distribution lists - ExpandDistributionList operation. The ExpandDistributionList allows you to view public distribution list members.

Please note that you cannot create Distribution Groups(public distribution lists) using EWS.

Current the only API that is supported for creating these type of groups is the Exchange Management Shell cmdlets which you can use from Managed code e.g.
Get a list of mail users by using the Exchange Management Shell

Please use the New-DistributionGroup cmdlet to create distribution groups(public distribution lists) and mail-enabled security groups.