Creation time of OneNote docs

Opening the file document like this:

        Document document;
        try (InputStream stream = Files.newInputStream(file))
            document = new Document(stream);

And then getting the date:


The value I get changes depending on the time zone my computer is currently set to.

If I set my computer to Asia/Tokyo, the date I get is “Fri Feb 24 21:27:44 JST 2017”.
If I set my computer back to Australia/Sydney, the date I get is “Fri Feb 24 21:27:44 AEDT 2017”.
These dates are two hours apart, and I don’t believe the result should change merely by being in a different time zone.

The OneNote format documentation appears to state that the value is stored in UTC. Sources:

We created a test file at 3:51pm to test, and Aspose got the time as 5:51am. This seems to confirm the theory - 10 hours were subtracted from the date to account for Sydney’s time zone, when the value should have simply been treated as being in UTC in the first place.


We are currently investigating this issue at our end and will soon share our findings here with you.


Could you please confirm to us if you are using the latest version of the API at your end? We have tested this with Aspose.Note for Java 16.12.0 version and no such issue was observed. The Creation time retrieved via sample code shared above by you remains the same to whichever Timezone I change my system time to.