Thanks for your inquiry. We will appreciate it if you please share your sample input/output documents here. We will look into it and guide you accordingly.
input pdf file is main from where I Have cropped the article. Hindustan image shows the highlighted article which I tried to crop and output image is what I got as output.
Thanks for your feedback. Please note Aspose.Pdf page origin is left bottom(0,0), so you need to to reset the article coordinates as following. Hopefully it will help you to resolve the issue.
Document document = newDocument(myDir
PageCollection coll = document.Pages;
rect = document.Pages[1].Rect;
pageRect = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(20, 671, 693, 1125);
document.Pages[1].CropBox = pageRect;
MemoryStream ms = newMemoryStream();
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.
I am cropping article with this it is working fine when article is in left side if I am cropping article from right then not getting article properly. I have already sent you one pdf please explain how I will extract the right most article.