Current Version Number of Aspose.Total for Java

Hello, I need to know the version number of the latest release of Aspose.Total for Java. We’re a current customer with maintenance but I need to write up a justification for using the product for our IT department. Can anyone help?

Thank you!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Hi Mary,

Thanks for your inquiry.

Aspose.Total for Java is a compilation of every Java component offered by Aspose. For example, this package includes Aspose.Words and you can determine Aspose.Words’ JAR version by unziping ‘Aspose.Words.jdk16.jar’ file. Please navigate to ‘META-INF’ folder and then open ‘MANIFEST.MF’ with Notepad. There you’ll find something like below:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Specification-Title: Aspose.Words for Java
Specification-Vendor: Aspose Pty Ltd
Implementation-Title: Aspose.Words for Java
Implementation-Vendor: Aspose Pty Ltd

You can determine the version number for other Aspose products in the same way. I hope, this helps.

Best regards,


I would like to give more details about Aspose.Cells for Java that is also included in Aspose.Total for Java package. You may also determine the version number of Aspose.Cells for Java product by using an API provided by the product at runtime even, see the document for your reference:

Thank you.

Hi Mary,

I will reply from Aspose.Pdf for Java and Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java perspective.

The Aspose.Total for Java package contains the latest available versions of our Java product line. Aspose.Pdf for Java 3.3.0 and Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java 4.5.0 should be included available in Aspose.Total for Java package. In case you encounter any issue or you have any further query, please feel free to contact.