Custom columns in Gannt Chart


Is it possible to create custom columns in the Gannt Chart using Aspose.Tasks? Currently I am creating extended attributes to the tasks, but to be able to see this information, I have to add the corresponding columns to the Gannt Chart manually after the export. I want after the export, when I open the file in MSP, to directly see this information in the view without manually adding columns.

Kostadin Kostov

Hi Kostadin,

I have analyzed your requirement and could not find some feature which can configure the Gantt chart view by selecting the custom fields when opened in MSP. However I found this link for rendering the selected columns on Gantt chart while exporting it to image or html.

I have passed this information to the development team to analyze if it is possible to provide this new feature for configuring the Gantt Chart view such that new custom fields are by default opened in MSP.

This request is logged in our issue tracking system as TASKS-33229.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKS-33229) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.

Can I get a link to the fix referenced above? I have also used extended attributes to create my own custom columns and am trying to figure out how to automatically place these columns within the Gantt View similar to what you can do manually by clicking the "add new custom column."


Hi Patrick,

Please use the following code sample to achieve the desire output.


// Create a new project task

Task task = project.AddTask(“New Activity”);

// Add custom text attribute to created task.

ExtendedAttribute attr = new ExtendedAttribute();

attr.FieldId = ((int) ExtendedAttributeTask.Text1).ToString();

attr.Value = “Activity attribute”;


// Customize table by adding text attribute field

TableField attrField = new TableField();

attrField.Field = Field.TaskText1;

attrField.Width = 20;

attrField.Title = “Custom attribute”;

attrField.AlignTitle = StringAlignment.Center;

attrField.AlignData = StringAlignment.Center;

Table table = project.Tables.ToList()[0];

table.TableFields.Insert(3, attrField);

project.Save(“saved.mpp”, SaveFileFormat.MPP);

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.