Custom implementation services

Hello Aspose Support Team,

I’m writing to inquire about the potential for custom implementation services for the Aspose.PDF library. We are currently utilizing Aspose.PDF and have a specific requirement that is not covered out of the box. We would like to know if these functionalities can be included in the Aspose.PDF library if we get a licensed version.

Aspose.PDF Version: 24.6.0

Requirement Description:

1. SVG Images with Actual Dimensions: When converting a PDF with SVG images to HTML using the Aspose.PDF library, the SVG images’ width and height are not converted to their actual dimensions; instead, they take up the entire width and height of the PDF page.

2. Drop Shadow Images/Shapes: The PDF input file contains drop shadow images and shapes. When using the Aspose.PDF library to convert this PDF into HTML, the drop shadow effect for images and shapes is shown as SVG. We require the drop shadow effect as HTML/CSS elements.

3. Drop Shadow for Text: The PDF contains text with shadows. When using the Aspose.PDF library to convert this PDF to HTML, the rendered HTML output shows the drop shadow for text as SVG. We require the drop shadow effect as HTML/CSS elements.

4. Text Underline: When converting a PDF document to HTML, the underlines in the PDF are getting converted as images in HTML. However, we need the underlines to be represented as CSS.

5. Superscript and Subscript Text: Subscript and superscript text are getting converted as normal text when converting a PDF to HTML.

6. UL and LI Elements: The PDF contains bullet points. When using the Aspose.PDF to convert the PDF to HTML, the rendered HTML output shows bullet points as normal text. We require this in <ul><li></li></ul> format.


  1. Could you provide more details on the cost and timeline for customization requests that are not already available in the existing library?


Can you please specify the exact functionalities you would like to have implemented in the Aspose.PDF library and any specific use cases you have in mind for these customizations?