Hello there. I’m successfully using Aspose.Cells (.NET) to create a pivot chart based on a pivot table. Now I’d like to reduce the number of series that chart shows and change how those series are displayed (colors, line style, etc).
I see in this thread that, as of 2006, this was not supported. Has that been changed yet?
When I create the Chart object and assign the pivot table to it, Chart.NSeries doesn’t have any objects in it… and so there’s nothing to manipulate. Is there some way I can get this collection filled so that I can then change the styling of the series?
I am afraid, you cannot change or format data series of pivot charts that
is created based on pivot table as a source, the feature is not available yet. The feature depends on the result of the pivot table report. Currently, we are working to support calculating the pivot tables in the template files. After this we can start working on manipulating pivot charts feature. The feature is already added with an id: CELLSNET-16205 into our issue tracking system. Once we have any update about it, we will let you know.
Thank you.