CustomXml is cleared when loading doc as stream

I have created a workbook with a CustomXml part. When I upload the document and load it into Aspose the CustomXml part seem to have been cleared.
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(File);
Aspose.Cells.Workbook doc = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(stream);
I can see the part in the file just before load is done.


Please zip and attach your Excel file. How do you know if CustomXml part is cleared after loading the file into Aspose.Cells object model? Do you save as the file by Aspose.Cells APIs. Moreover, if could share a screenshot regarding loosing CustomXml part, this would help to evaluate your issue precisely.

Thanks for getting back so quickly.
Having looked at it to get some diagnostics together I realised the problem was in the stream and Aspose Cells was creating an empty document (hence no custom parts).
So problem was mine and now fixed.


Good to know that you have sorted it out now. In the event of further queries or issue, feel free to write us back.