
I see a folder named “D:\tmpdel\storage\piccache” created on mac when I call GridJsWorkbook#ExportToJson. And the next time I do dotnet run it fails with "error MSB3552: Resource file "**/.resx" cannot be found.*" due to it, requiring one to delete the above folder. Attaching screenshots and code below. What am I missing?

Appreciate any help.

Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 4.39.14 pm.png (67.4 KB)
Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 4.46.28 pm.jpg (83.1 KB)

using Aspose.Cells;
using Aspose.Cells.GridJs;

string outputDir = "/Users/nikitarybak/Developer/atticus/_test/aspose_cache";
string inputPath = Path.Combine("/Users/nikitarybak/Documents/atticus/spreadsheets/libre_playground", "nab-charts.xlsx");
String documentId = "thisCanBeAnythingRight";

License l = new License();
Config.FileCacheDirectory = outputDir;

GridJsWorkbook jsWorkbook = new GridJsWorkbook();
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(inputPath);
jsWorkbook.ImportExcelFile(documentId, workbook);
String jsonContents = jsWorkbook.ExportToJson();

@nikitar the exception is raised by the build process, not the specific application.
so you may check and investigate in your enviroment.
however GridJs do need set path for the cache directory before it works .
you may refer to the document here:

To be clear, is it Aspose.Cells that creates a folder called “D:\tmpdel\storage\piccache”? That is the cause of the error.

By cache directory you mean Config.FileCacheDirectory, right? It is set in the code above and seems to work.

Found it. “D:\tmpdel\storage\piccache” is the default value of Config.PictureCacheDirectory, which obviously fails on linux/osx.

Might be nice to include PictureCacheDirectory in gridjs documentation on Aspose.Cells.GridJs|Documentation, as it’s not mentioned anywhere to my knowledge and it’s not used in the gridjs demo either.

thanks for your suggestion ,we may improve it

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system .
Issue Type: Document
Issue ID(s): CELLSGRIDJS-791
Issue Title: Include the introduce document for Config.PictureCacheDirectory in GridJs document guide