I see a folder named “D:\tmpdel\storage\piccache” created on mac when I call GridJsWorkbook#ExportToJson. And the next time I do dotnet run
it fails with "error MSB3552: Resource file "**/.resx" cannot be found.*" due to it, requiring one to delete the above folder. Attaching screenshots and code below. What am I missing?
Appreciate any help.
Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 4.39.14 pm.png (67.4 KB)
Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 4.46.28 pm.jpg (83.1 KB)
using Aspose.Cells;
using Aspose.Cells.GridJs;
string outputDir = "/Users/nikitarybak/Developer/atticus/_test/aspose_cache";
string inputPath = Path.Combine("/Users/nikitarybak/Documents/atticus/spreadsheets/libre_playground", "nab-charts.xlsx");
String documentId = "thisCanBeAnythingRight";
License l = new License();
Config.FileCacheDirectory = outputDir;
GridJsWorkbook jsWorkbook = new GridJsWorkbook();
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(inputPath);
jsWorkbook.ImportExcelFile(documentId, workbook);
String jsonContents = jsWorkbook.ExportToJson();