Damaged when saving with .NET exe, OK when using online conventer

Hallo, we consider to use Aspose.3D for .NET in our project and doing some initial testing with strange results. Our case is to open Collada DAE file and save it as GLTF or GLB.

Our input is file made in Cinema4D - http://lab.fmm.cz/3d/aspose/input.dae

When we use online tool Convert any 3D formats online - output is OK:

But when we try to convert with C# application output is totally damaged:

We use nuget of latest version Aspose.3D - 20.4, but tryed lower versions as well, but with the same result. Our code in console application is as simple asi posiible:

var scene = new Scene();
scene.Open(“input.dae”, FileFormat.Collada);
scene.Save(“output.gltf”, FileFormat.GLTF2);
scene.Save(“output.glb”, FileFormat.GLTF2_Binary);

In such easy use-case we expected simply same result of online conversion and DLL functions.
We are ready to pay for working solution. Can anybody help?


We are working on this and, for further investigation can you please share your environment details with us.

Hello Ahmad, great, what exactly do you want to know? We will provide all the cooperation you need, but be more specific, please.
As I wrote, we used more than one version of the NuGet package, with the same result. We are using Visual Studio 19 on Windows 10 64bit, and for our tests, we are writing simple console apps, but what we really need to do is set of web services generating models dynamically…


Thank you for the details.

We have logged a ticket with ID THREEDNET-675 in our issue management system for further investigation and resolution. The ticket ID has been linked with this thread so that you will receive notification as soon as the ticket is resolved.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.


I like to inform that we have investigated this issue in details using 20.5 version both in .net framework and .net core, but failed to reproduce with your code and input. Here in the attachment is the sample project(.net core app) that we used to reproduce, it produces the correct output file and passed the Khronos GLTF Validator. Can you please provide a project that can reproduce this bug.
DotnetCoreTest.zip (21.8 KB)

The issues you have found earlier (filed as THREEDNET-675) have been fixed in Aspose.3D for .NET 20.6.