Data getting hidden when the text is huge inside a from field

I’m using Aspose.Words to render the data using .NET framework. But when the form data has text that’s huge its getting hidden inside the form field box. Is there any property/way to display the full text.

@Hareeshvare Could you please attach a simplified input and output documents along with code that will allow us to reproduce the problem? We will check the issue and provide you more information.

Hi, I’ve attached the document ( its in rtf format) that I need to render as a HTML using Aspose. But in my HTML the size of the box is fixed and I need to click and hover inside to see the full text. Is there any way to show the full text will the box? (378 Bytes)
Form Field (8.8 KB)
image.png (4.3 KB)

@Hareeshvare Thank you for additional information. If you need to see whole text inside text form field in your HTML you can export it as simple text:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.rtf");
HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();
options.ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText = true;
doc.Save(@"C:\Temp\out.html", options);

Here is the output produced by this code: (398 Bytes)

Hi. Thanks for this. But that’s not exactly I was looking for. Here it would make all the form fields in the doc to plain text. This would actually make it confusing for the end user to understand which is the plain text and which is the form field. Is there any way the text gets wrapped inside the form completely or can the size of the from field be increased?

@Hareeshvare Unfortunately, there is no way to configure Aspose.Words to resize text input according to it’s content upon exporting to HTML. As an option you can postprocess HTML produced by Aspose.Words and resize or reconfigure text inputs.