I would like to encode special characters like:
öäüéàè in a DataMatrix barcode
sample code with Aspose Java Barcode 7.0.0
BarCodeBuilder b = new BarCodeBuilder();
When I read the barecode (file in attachment) with this Tools:
Datamatrix Decoder Online
The message text is in CP-1252 encoded and not in UTF-8. Why?
Our extern device cannot the special characters recognized.
I cannot used this code:
How to Generate and Recognize Barcodes for UTF 8 (Unicode) Characters
The Barcode recognized is made with a extern device and I cannot used the Java Aspose Library for recognition.
Could you help me please.
Hi Mathieu,
Thank you for contacting support. Please note, we have not noticed the error message said. Other online barcode readers read it perfectly, e.g. ClearImage and Vitasoft. Could you please provide the error screenshot? We’ll investigate and reply you accordingly.
Hi Imran,
Thank you for your answer.
Yes with ClearImage it's work perfectly. But if you look the line "Converted Character Set". You will see "Converted Character Set: ISO-8859-1" (see file in attachment)
Our device read the Barcode Input Text only in UTF-8 Format and cannot read in ISO-8859-1.
How can I Change the character set Encoding in UTF-8.
With Aspose Java Barcode 7.0 the method:
doesn't work !
Thank you for your answer.
Yes with ClearImage it's work perfectly. But if you look the line "Converted Character Set". You will see "Converted Character Set: ISO-8859-1" (see file in attachment)
Our device read the Barcode Input Text only in UTF-8 Format and cannot read in ISO-8859-1.
How can I Change the character set Encoding in UTF-8.
With Aspose Java Barcode 7.0 the method:
doesn't work !
Hi Mathieu,
Thank you for clarifying it. We managed to replicate the problem said. We have logged an investigation under ticket id BARCODJAVA-33551 in our bug tracking system. Your post has also been linked to this issue. We’ll let you know once a significant progress has made in this regard. We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODJAVA-33551) have been fixed in Aspose.BarCode for Java 7.2.0.
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