Decimal-Tab alignment in PDF (from word)

We have a Word document with a decimal-separator-tab. Culture settings are set to Dutch (“Nederlands”), so the decimalseparator is “.” (dot).

In word the numbers are aligned correctly.
When creating a PDF, using Aspose, alignment is lost.
Wen creating PDF from Word it looks better.

Currently we are using Aspose.pdf.dll, version

Is there anywthing we can do to get aligned output?
Is this problem solved in a newer version of Aspose.pdf?

screenshot word: TableInWord.png (946 Bytes)

screenshot pdf: TableInPDF.png (3.0 KB)


Thank you for contacting support.

Would you please share source and generated ZIP files along with SSCCE code so that we may try to reproduce and investigate it in our environment. Moreover, support is offered based on latest available version of the API so please ensure using latest version before sharing requested data.

Because this proble is in a production evnironment, i will have to product a working example. This will take some time… :grinning:, and probably some part of my weekend …


Please take all the time you need and get back to us as per your convenience. We will proceed further once requested data is available.

In my Original report i was thinking it was Aspose.PDF. But i was wrong, it is Aspose.Words
The version uses is:

An example source (C#) reproducing the mis-alignment:
This (produces, when compiled) a command-line executable which need 1 parameter, a word-document. (an example document is included in this zip) (5.5 MB)

The output of this program:
example.docx.pdf (45.2 KB)


Please note that Aspose.Words mimics the behavior of MS Word. If you convert your document to PDF using MS Word, you will get the same output.

We suggest you please use the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET 19.6 to get the desired output.

Unfortunatly the output with versie 17.4 does not ‘mimics the behavior of MS Word’. The output from MS Word is a correct PDF, the output from version 17.4 is … (see attached PDF previous post).

We will look into getting a newer version.


Please use the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET 19.6 to get the desired output.