we have a pdf document that we download from adobe which is protected using owner password. we dont have access to this but we can have user password.
im able to unlock the file using your online unlock with the user password but im not able to do it programmatically.
this is the code
PdfFileInfo pdfFileInfo = new PdfFileInfo(encryptedPdf, password);
// Create PdfFileSecurity object
if (pdfFileInfo.IsEncrypted)
PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity();
// Decrypt PDF document
var responseStream = new MemoryStream();
return responseStream;
return encryptedPdf;
please let me know how i can decrypt using user password through code
Can you please share your sample PDF document along with the link of the online App that you tried to unlock or decrypt it? We will check the details at our side and share the feedback with you.
Sure, we will get required information as soon as possible and share our feedback with you.
thank you @asad.ali, please get back to me at your earliest
Hi @asad.ali, any update on the above?
We have put your inquiry forwarded to the Aspose Apps platform in order to get the necessary information. Aspose Free Online Apps use multiple Aspose APIs in order to implement some features. They also may use different APIs to support the corresponding functionality they are offering. Therefore, it would be appropriate if you could please create an inquiry in the respective support forum as you will be assisted there accordingly.
Hi @asad.ali,
any update on the above? or any specific support forum i should post in?
We have already shared the link of respective support forum with you that is dedicated for the queries related to online free apps. You can post your inquiry there to obtain the code snippet used behind that particular app which you are using. Meanwhile, we are also trying to investigate the feasibility of this feature using on-premise API and will inform you once we have some feedback to share.