Default BackgroundColor - 18.12

Hello, how are you?
can you help me?

In the new release 18.12, BackgroundColor Black is default.

How can I change this?

using System;
using Aspose.Tasks;
using Aspose.Tasks.Saving;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            License license = new License();

            Project project = new Project("Template.mpp") { CalculationMode = CalculationMode.None };
            Task tsk1 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task - 01");
            Task tsk2 = tsk1.Children.Add("Task - 01.01");
            Task tsk3 = tsk2.Children.Add("Task - 01.01.001");

            project.Save(@"output.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML);
            MPPSaveOptions mppSaveOptions = new MPPSaveOptions
                WriteViewData = true

            project.Save(@"output.mpp", mppSaveOptions);
            project.Save(@"output.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP);

BackgroundColor.png (100.0 KB) (21.2 KB) (20.7 KB)


Please try the following code sample for setting the text styles:

Project project = new Project(@"D:\188341\Template.mpp") { CalculationMode = CalculationMode.None };
Task tsk1 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task - 01");
Task tsk2 = tsk1.Children.Add("Task - 01.01");
Task tsk3 = tsk2.Children.Add("Task - 01.01.001");

GanttChartView view = project.DefaultView as GanttChartView;

// Set first task name text style
TableTextStyle tableTextStyle = new TableTextStyle(1);
tableTextStyle.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
tableTextStyle.Color = Color.Red;
tableTextStyle.Field = Field.TaskName;
tableTextStyle.FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic;

// Set second task duration text style
tableTextStyle = new TableTextStyle(2);
tableTextStyle.Color = Color.Yellow;
//tableTextStyle.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
tableTextStyle.Field = Field.TaskDurationText;
tableTextStyle.FontStyle = FontStyle.Underline;
// Add the custom bar style to the custom bar collection of the project view
MPPSaveOptions mppSaveOptions = new MPPSaveOptions
    WriteViewData = true                
project.Save(@"D:\188341\output1.mpp", mppSaveOptions);

Moreover, please feel free to write back to us if you need additional information.

Attached is the export result:
BackgroundColor2.png (104.5 KB) (21.2 KB)
How could I set a default for all rows?
I would not want to go through all the tasks.

PS: This behavior changed in 18.12.
In 18:11 it was not so.


Thank you for your feedback.

We have logged this issue with ID “TASKSNET-2897” for further investigation. You will automatically be informed here once we have more information to share.


We have investigated this issue and found that the black default color is a bug and it will be fixed in release 19.1. Now you may use the following workaround:

Project project = new Project(@"D:\Aspose\188341\Template.mpp");
Task tsk1 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task - 01");
Task tsk2 = tsk1.Children.Add("Task - 01.01");
Task tsk3 = tsk2.Children.Add("Task - 01.01.001");

GanttChartView view = project.DefaultView as GanttChartView;

Color color = Color.Transparent; // to remove black background.
var textStyle = view.TextStyles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ItemType == TextItemType.SummaryTasks);
textStyle.BackgroundColor = color;

textStyle = view.TextStyles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ItemType == TextItemType.NoncriticalTasks);
textStyle.BackgroundColor = color;

textStyle = view.TextStyles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ItemType == TextItemType.CriticalTasks);
textStyle.BackgroundColor = color;

textStyle = view.TextStyles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ItemType == TextItemType.MilestoneTasks);
textStyle.BackgroundColor = color;

MPPSaveOptions mppSaveOptions = new MPPSaveOptions
    WriteViewData = true

project.Save(@"D:\Aspose\188341\output1.mpp", mppSaveOptions);

As you can see, in order to set back color for all tasks you should set back color for the following styles:
SummaryTasks, NoncriticalTasks, CriticalTasks, MilestoneTasks

Moreover, please write back to us if you need additional information.