Define style for text in xslt


Is it possible to define styles for Headers or footers or H1, H2 etc..? and use something like:

<Header Style="Headerstyle2">

<Text ID="Text1" >


<xsl:value-of select="/rodinreport/pageinfo/companyname"/>




while for example headerstyle 2 is something like :

FontSize="7" MarginTop="20" Alignment="Right"

this way i dont need to rewrite every style million times.



And on this page:

It say that i can get help from Visual Studio.NET. I am using VS.Net 2008. i cant get it to work to show me the entities of aspose when i am editing..

where do i have to place the Aspose.Pdf.Xsd schema ?



Thank you for considering Aspose.

The style setting is not supported but we will try to support it later.

As for the schema, I tested it with VS.Net 2008 and it worked well. I placed the xsd at "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Xml\Schemas". Please also make sure you have specified the correct xmlns like the following:

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 5538) have been fixed in this update.

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