

I have created a scene with a cube mesh now I want to add deformers into it and save it into glb format so When I render it in any 3d tool it can go from orignal to deform shape. i tried it but got no success. I am using MorphtargetDeform and Channel classes.

I will be very thankful if someone can provide me the example code that how to do it would be appreciated :slight_smile:


I apologize for the issue you’re experiencing with Deformer not working on GLB files.

To better assist you, I’ve created a ticket for this feature request in our task management system. Our development team will review this and prioritize it accordingly. You can expect an update once we have more information on when this feature might be available.

In the meantime, if there’s anything else I can help with or if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Thank you very much I will wait for the update :slight_smile:


still got no updates.

Hi @jerryDev
We’d like to provide an update on our progress regarding the object model design for deformer/animation in our system. Our initial approach was heavily influenced by FBX, but we’re now focusing on integrating glTF’s deformer support.

One key difference between FBX and glTF is their internal representation of animations and morph targets. We’ve completed most of the conversion work for morph targets and are working to bring a seamless experience across both formats.

Our next step is to implement animation support for weights data, which will enable more complex animation scenarios. We’ll notify you once all required features are available for use.

Hi @lex.chou

Thank you for the update. So, currently to apply morphtargetdeformers on 3d cube or any shape to change its vertex positions for bending or twisting is not possible for gltf format?

Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available. We expect to make it available in version 24.11.

@lex.chou I update the library to 24.11 now I am getting the issue even if I create a simple box and store it in glb format it does not show any box when I render cube.glb file in any tool but the same piece of code is working fine in previous versions.

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will investigate it and release an updated NuGet package in a future version.

When will the new version update come?

Hi, Just wanted to let you know that we’ve released a new hotfix (version 24.11.1) on NuGet. Please give it a try and let me know if it resolves the issue. Thanks!