Tried my test sample project to check the file type detector with the new version to check if reported issues are fixed, the first warning:
Case Cells.FileFormatType.Numbers
Numbers is obsolete: Use FileFormatType.Ots instead
Simply replace FileFormatType.Numbers with FileFormatType.Ots ?
For Ots is written: Represents an ots file. no one can guess / find what’s that
Please use FileFormatType.Numbers09 instead.
We will fix error of the description soon.
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Guess my incorrect detection error will also get fixed in 23.8?
Any idea about the release date?
The fix will be included in our upcoming release (Aspose. Cells v23.8) that we plan to release in the first half of August 2023. You will be notified when the next version is released.
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Now getting:
‘Numbers’ is obsolete: ‘Use FileFormatType.Numbers09 instead.’.
My select case is:
Case Cells.FileFormatType.Numbers, Cells.FileFormatType.Numbers09
So does it mean that Numbers and Numbers09 are merged together and are exactly the in file type detect function?
We removed the Numbers file format type and kept only Numbers09 and Numbers35 enumeration members in the APIs, so, Aspose.Cells can detect these file format types.
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Apple has undergone a thorough revision of numbers Since numbers3.5.
So we added two enumerations, Numbers09 and Numbers35, to distinguish the numbers file and removed the old numbers enumerations.