Detecting a valid Excel file

I’m trying to figure out how I can determine if a file is a valid Excel file before I attempt to process it. In my web app, uses will upload a file, and I will process it, but I cannot guarantee that users won’t occasionally upload invalid files.

I have tried this.

Excel xlDoc = new Excel();
catch (Exception)
Response.Write(“Invalid or corrupt Excel file”);

And this works to some degree. However, it “locks” the file so that it cannot be deleted. Thus, I’m forced to restart IIS to delete the file.

Any ideas?

Hi Steve,

I will check this issue. And have you tried the latest hotfix? It’s v2.3.4


I seem to have found a solution with the following code:

private bool FileIsValid(string _xlFile)
bool bIsValid = true;
Excel xlDoc = new Excel();
try { xlDoc.Open(_xlFile); }
catch { bIsValid = false; }

return bIsValid;

Evidentally, when I put the “return” statement inside of the try/catch block, the function was not terminating fully and something was getting locked. I have not has any problems since I modified my funcation to the above code.
