Determine auto hyphenation an determine used language

How can I determine if the loaded Word document uses auto hyphenation?

How can I determine the language the document is written in in order to load the correct dictionary?

Hi Bea,

Thanks for your inquiry.
How can I determine if the loaded Word document uses auto hyphenation?
Document.HyphenationOptions property provides access to document hyphenation options. Please use HyphenationOptions.AutoHyphenation property to get or set value determining whether automatic hyphenation is turned on for the document.
How can I determine the language the document is written in in order to load the correct dictionary?
Please note that there is no setting in Microsoft Word document that controls the language of the document as a whole. Instead, you can get the language of any text Run in Microsoft Word document using the Run.Font.LocaleId property. So, if you want to discover the language setting of the document you should probably iterate through all Runs in the document and choose LocaleId that is occurring most often.