Determine if the current MailMerge field is within a region and if so- what is the region name


Is it possible to find out if a certain field is within a region and if so what is the regions name?


Hi Adam,

Thanks for your inquiry. You can use FieldMergingArgsBase.TableName to get the name of the data table for the current merge operation. This property return empty string if the name is not available.

Following code example shows how to get the name of data table for current merge operation.

public class EmptyRegionsHandler : IFieldMergingCallback
    public void FieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs args)
        if (args.TableName == "Suppliers")
            // Your code
    public void ImageFieldMerging(ImageFieldMergingArgs args)
        // Do Nothing


My objective is trying to find the region name of the region encapsulation a region, for example

<<First Name>> <<Last Name>>
<<Order Id>> <<Order Item Name>> <<Order Item Description>>

Now in C#, i loop through all the regions individually as process them one at a time, the objective is, while processing region “Orders”, i want to get the value “Clients” because that is the encapsulating region.


Hi Adam,

Thanks for your inquiry. There is no direct way to get the region name that encapsulation another region as you described. However, you can achieve your requirements by using MailMerge.GetFieldNames method. This method return full merge field names including optional prefix. Does not eliminate duplicate field names.

In your case, the MailMerge.GetFieldNames method return field name as follow. Please see the attached image for detail.

First Name
Last Name
Order Id
Order Item Name
Order Item Description

You can find the required region name from fieldnames array. Hope this answers your query. Please let us know if you have any more queries.

Hi Tahir,

Here is the function i created to get the parent region based of a child region name. Hopefully this will help anyone else in a situation like myself.


The idea of the function is to find all the open region tags before the child tag and then get the last open tag.


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