Difference in values between an excel file and the converted pdf (via aspose) file

Displaying values of an Excel file in Aspose converted pdf with "Show Formula " enabled in the excel file-

  1. In excel, where the a cell value is generated through a formula (e.g- SUM) and then copy-pasted that value to another cell.

  2. Now, if that excel file (with Show Formula option enabled ) is converted, it tends to add few more digits at the end of the decimal numbers.

The customers expect to show the digits as shown in the original excel file but the copy-pasted data seems to add few more digits at the end of it.

The same issue is not observed on a manually entered value or any other value which was copy-pasted but was not generated through a formula.

PFA a screenshot of the original excel and the converted PDF for reference.
test-2.xlsx.pdf (19.2 KB)
xl.PNG (40.8 KB)


Thanks for the screenshot and output PDF.

Could you also zip and attach your Excel file which you are converting to PDF via Aspose.Cells for Java API. We will check your issue soon.

test file.zip (11.7 KB)
PFA the original excel file.


Thanks for the template file.

We were able to reproduce the issue using your template file. A ticket with an id “CELLSJAVA-44364” is logged for your issue. We will look into the details of your issue and try to figure it out soon.

Once we have an update on it, we will let you know here.

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Please find attached the PDF file generated by a hotfix using your template file. Please check whether it is your expected result. If it is ok for your needs, we will include the fix in our next official version of Aspose.Cells for Java.
res.pdf (44.8 KB)

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSJAVA-44364) have been fixed in Aspose.Cells for Java 23.1.