Different value in String value and Value property

Currently, I am using Aspose cell Net 20.5 version

The Issue is when I am writing a decimal value getting different value in stringValue and value property

I am writing in cell 0.000032
and getting a string value as 0.000032
and value as 3.2E-05

But the same thing is working with all other decimals.

image.png (205.1 KB)

can any help me with this


This is expected behavior. The Cell.Value, Cells.DoubleValue and Cell.FloatValue prperties give value in scientific notations if the value has certain decimal places/parts. MS Excel also converts to scientific notations for bigger decimal value. If you need to get what MS Excel will display for a decimal value, please use Cell.DisplayStringValue attribute.

But this is working for other decimals like

Only in the case of 0.000032 I am getting scientific notification


Yes, this is mostly regarding value having more “0” in decimal part so this will be converted to scientific notations.


Why i am getting the string value as 0 when value is 0.016393


I used the following sample code and it works as expected, see the comments for output values.
Sample code:

Aspose.Cells.Workbook workbook = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook();
            Aspose.Cells.Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];



I am using latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v21.2.x.

Hi @Amjad_Sahi

Please find attached

image.png (61.6 KB)


It works fine and as expected. Here is our our screenshot which gives correct value.
sc_shot1.png (19.0 KB)

The issue might be due to your own sample code or file. Please create a separate console demo application(runnable) with newer version, zip the project and post us here, we will check it soon.