Digital signatures

Hello i need to implement digital signatures with word documents (doc and docx) and i need to now if Aspose.words give that funcionality out-of box
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Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Words. Unfortunately, Aspose.Words does not provide such feature in the current stage.
We plan to support verifying digital signatures in DOC and DOCX document in a month or two. Then we will work on an ability to sign documents. We will let you know once these features are available.
Best regards.

thanks for you reply. Can you give some information about this feature of digital signatures that you wiil develop.
I have a aplication web based, that i need to manipulate doc and docx in server side (build a word document) and verify and sign with digital signatures, but i need to now the information about the digital signature (the name of the person, if the digital signatures is valid,etc)


Thanks for your inquiry. Once verification of digital signatures is ready, you will be able to check and get information from digital signatures. As I already mentioned, this feature will be available somewhere in September.
Best regards,

I bought the latest version of the component (Aspose Word.Net), in the expectation that in this version we would have access to digital certificates inside the word document. This my expectation was based on aresponse that I put in your post, however I can not find where to access this featurerds for .NET.
Can you help me addressing this issue.
Nuno Semedo

Hi Nuno,
Thanks for your reqeust. Roman already answered your question here:
<A href="

Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 994) have been fixed in this update.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as 10711) have been fixed in this update.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-2852;WORDSNET-656) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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