Digitally Signing PDF documents with Global Sign

Can I please know if Aspose PDF is capable of digitally signing a PDF document using Global Sign Digital signature service?

If it is possible can anyone share some code please for C# language.


We already had tried the below code snippet to sign PDF with GlobalSign OCSP server URI in OcspSettings. However, it threw an Exception and an issue was logged in our issue tracking system under the ticket ID PDFNET-49782.

var pfxPassword = "";
            var pfxCertificate = File.ReadAllBytes(@"SimpligovSimplisignLocalDevSigner-20210114.pfx");
            var documentData = File.ReadAllBytes("Input.pdf");
            using var pdfDoc = new Document(new MemoryStream(documentData));
            var signature = new PKCS7Detached(new MemoryStream(pfxCertificate), pfxPassword)
                UseLtv = true,
                OcspSettings = new OcspSettings(""),
                TimestampSettings = new TimestampSettings("", string.Empty)

            var mdp = new DocMDPSignature(signature, DocMDPAccessPermissions.NoChanges);

            using var pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(pdfDoc);
                "Manually signed document",
                "SimpliGov LLC",
                "SimpliGov LLC",
                new System.Drawing.Rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200),

            using var stream = new MemoryStream();

Would you please specify a bit more like which cryptographic components you want to use to sign PDF?

Hi @asad.ali,

we are trying to use the below API from global sign for digital signing,


We have logged another ticket as PDFNET-50641 in order to investigate the feasibility of your requirements. We will look into its details and keep you posted with the status of ticket resolution. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Any update?


The ticket has recently been logged in our issue management system and we are afraid that it is pending for analysis. We will surely investigate and resolve it on a first come first serve basis and let you know as soon as some definite updates are available regarding its resolution. Please give us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi @asad.ali,

Any update on this?


We are afraid that the earlier logged ticket has not been yet resolved due to other issues in the queue. We will surely notify you via this forum thread as soon as we have certain updates about ticket resolution.

We apologize for the inconvenience.