Display format of percntages in Aspose.cells


I am having an issue with the display formatting of percentages.

When the excel sheet data is like 40.3% then there is no way to track the type of display formatting in the Aspose.cells.

I have seen the documentation for the same in the link below:


There are two style values given: 9 for 0% and 10 for 0.00% but what if the value is something like 0.0%?

Please guide me how to go about this as soon as possible.

With Kind Regards


Hi Vipul,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

As the style “0.0%” is not the default percentage style, it will be present against Cell.Style.Custom property instead of Cell.Style.Number Property.

Thank You & Best Regards,

Thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile:
Can you please specify the custom formatting code I need for this as well?

With Kind Regards

Hi Vipul,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Cell.Style.Custom will return the string value “0.0%” as per your data display style.

Thank You & Best Regards,