Display Issues with RadioButtonField with option


We’re trying to build a PDF in .NET and are in need of a broad range of form inputs. While working through the examples provided in the documentation, we’ve come across an issue with the RadioButtonField. Specifically, this issue seems to arise while using Kofax Power PDF as the PDF viewer. When multiple form inputs are added to a document, any added after the RadioButtonField with options, is not showing in Power PDF.

The code we are using is as follows:
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Forms();

            Document doc = new Document();
            Page page = doc.Pages.Add();

            // Create a field
            TextBoxField textBoxField = new TextBoxField(doc.Pages[1], Rectangle.Trivial)
                Name = "text box",
                PartialName = "text box",
                MappingName = "text box",
                AlternateName = "text box",
                Width = 150,
                Height = 12,
                IsInLineParagraph = true

            page.Paragraphs.Add(new TextFragment("This is a textbox") { IsKeptWithNext = true });

            // Add field to the document
            doc.Form.Add(textBoxField, 1);

            Aspose.Pdf.Table table = new Aspose.Pdf.Table();
            table.ColumnWidths = "120 120 120";
            Row r1 = table.Rows.Add();
            Cell c1 = r1.Cells.Add();
            Cell c2 = r1.Cells.Add();
            Cell c3 = r1.Cells.Add();

            RadioButtonField rf = new RadioButtonField(page);
            rf.PartialName = "radio";
            RadioButtonOptionField opt1 = new RadioButtonOptionField(page, Rectangle.Trivial);
            RadioButtonOptionField opt2 = new RadioButtonOptionField(page, Rectangle.Trivial);
            RadioButtonOptionField opt3 = new RadioButtonOptionField(page, Rectangle.Trivial);

            opt1.OptionName = "Item1";
            opt2.OptionName = "Item2";
            opt3.OptionName = "Item3";
            opt1.Caption = new TextFragment("Item1");
            opt2.Caption = new TextFragment("Item2");
            opt3.Caption = new TextFragment("Item3");

            opt1.Width = 15;
            opt1.Height = 15;
            opt2.Width = 15;
            opt2.Height = 15;
            opt3.Width = 15;
            opt3.Height = 15;


            opt1.Border = new Border(opt1);
            opt1.Border.Width = 1;
            opt1.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Solid;
            opt1.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
            opt1.DefaultAppearance.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            opt1.Caption = new TextFragment("Item1");
            opt2.Border = new Border(opt1);
            opt2.Border.Width = 1;
            opt2.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Solid;
            opt2.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
            opt2.DefaultAppearance.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            opt2.Caption = new TextFragment("Item2");
            opt3.Border = new Border(opt1);
            opt3.Border.Width = 1;
            opt3.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Solid;
            opt3.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
            opt3.DefaultAppearance.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            opt3.Caption = new TextFragment("Item3");

            doc.Form.Add(rf, 1);

            TextBoxField textAreaField = new TextBoxField(doc.Pages[1], Rectangle.Trivial)
                Name = "text area",
                PartialName = "text area",
                MappingName = "text area",
                AlternateName = "text area",
                Width = 50,
                Height = 50,
                Multiline = true,
                IsInLineParagraph = false

            page.Paragraphs.Add(new TextFragment("This is a textarea") { IsKeptWithNext = true });

            // Add field to the document
            doc.Form.Add(textAreaField, 1);

            dataDir = dataDir + "RadioButtonWithOptions_out.pdf";
            // Save the PDF file
            // ExEnd:RadioButtonWithOptions
            Console.WriteLine("\nFields added successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);

There’s also a change needed to the RadioButtonOptionFields, we had to call the constructor that accepted page and rectangle objects, or the radio buttons themselves would not show in Power PDF either.

Other than the RadioButtonField class not accepting a Rectangle as a constructor argument like many of the other Fields, there isn’t much difference in them that we can tell.
Is this a known issue? Or, is there something wrong with using these fields in conjunction in the way we are attempting to do it?

We’ve also updated to the most recent nuget package version (23.8.0).



Can you please share the generated PDF that you obtained from the above code snippet along with the screenshot of how it shows in Power PDF? We will further log an investigation ticket and share the ID with you.

Here’s the PDF:
RadioButtonWithOptions_out.pdf (78.8 KB)

And here’s a screenshot:
image.jpg (116.3 KB)

For comparison, here’s what Adobe shows (and any web browser will do the same):
image.png (4.9 KB)


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-55486

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.