Do Aspose support xspreadsheet.js in the demo application, or is that still 3rd party?

i.e. is this file considered part of the Aspose.Cells gridjs product or is it just being used in the demo as an example? Just curious if Aspose supports the component and fixes any bugs in this js file, or is that under the control of the original author?


x-spreadsheet (third party web-based JavaScript spreadsheet) is used by Aspose.Cells.GridJs for .NET Standard. We do not maintain it. Please read the document “thirdpartylicenses.Aspose.Cells for .NET.pdf” in the Aspose.Cells for .NET release archive for complete reference.

Where can I find the document?


You may download the Dlls version. Extract the zipped archive and you will find the document in the “.\License” folder.

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