Docker dependencies

Hi, I’m trying to create a docker image to run a python script using aspose word, aspose cells, aspose slides, and aspose email, all python via net. Are there any sample docker files including all necessary dependencies for me to use? I want to make sure I do it as succinctly as possible with no dependency issues.


To create a Docker image that runs a Python script using Aspose.Words, Aspose.Cells, Aspose.Slides, and Aspose.Email, you can follow these guidelines to ensure all necessary dependencies are included without issues.

Sample Dockerfile

Here’s a sample Dockerfile that includes the required dependencies:

# Use the official Python image as a base
FROM python:3.9-slim

# Set the working directory

# Install system dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    libgdiplus \
    msttcorefonts \
    && apt-get clean \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install Aspose libraries
RUN pip install aspose-words aspose-cells aspose-slides aspose-email

# Copy your Python script into the container

# Command to run your script
CMD ["python", ""]

Explanation of Dependencies

  1. libgdiplus: This package is required for both Aspose.Slides and Aspose.PDF to function correctly in a Docker environment.
  2. msttcorefonts: This package provides Microsoft Core Fonts, which are necessary for Aspose.PDF.

Additional Considerations

  • Make sure to check the Aspose.Cells limitations for Docker environments to ensure compatibility and avoid any issues during implementation.
  • You can combine the methods from all Aspose APIs into a single class to streamline your application.

This setup should help you create a succinct Docker image with all the necessary dependencies for your Python script using Aspose libraries. If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!


My pip installs are currently as follows:


We also can’t use 3.9, we need something newer like 3.11 which is what we’re using elsewhere in our application.

@acn You can find Docker files for Aspose.Words for Python on our github:

You can try to use the same Dockerfiles for other Aspose on-premise products.


Also, you may see the document on how to run Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET in docker for your reference. In the example, we use python 3.11 as the base image.