Document corrupted when downloading from DB

My code saves a Aspose.Word document to a MemoryStream, converts the stream to a Byte Array and then stores it in the database. Later, the user downloads the file, which performs the opposite: Database > Byte Array > Streamed to browser.
My problem: When they open the downloaded document, it’s corrupted. See attached file.
Here’s the code I use to save the document and convert it to a Memory Array. Note that if I save it to disk, it works fine:

Dim stream As New IO.MemoryStream
bodyDoc.Save(stream, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Doc)
'convert stream to byte array...
Dim length As Integer = stream.Length
Dim bytes(length) As Byte
stream.Read(bytes, 0, length)
'store in DB
Dim taFile As New Business.FileManagement.dsFileStoreTableAdapters.taQueries
Dim File_Id As Integer = CInt(taFile.InsertFileTransit(FileName, length, "application/msword", bytes, CurrentUser.AuditName))
Here's the code I use to download the document:
Dim si As New ServiceInterface.FileManagementSI
Dim dt As DataStructures.dsFileStore.FileDataTable = si.GetFile(File_Id)
Dim dr As DataStructures.dsFileStore.FileRow = dt(0)
Dim Response As System.Web.HttpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response
Response.AppendHeader("content-length", result.Length.ToString())
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", String.Format("attachment;filename={0}", dr.filename))
Response.ContentType = dr.ContentType

Thanks for your request. I think that you should use stream.GetBuffer() to convert Memorystream to byte array. For example see the following code.

'Create connction
Dim connectionString As String = "server=Web1;database=TestDB;uid=sa;pwd=dsa43r;"
Dim conn As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
' Open the DOC file using Aspose.Words.
If (fileuploadOpenFile.FileBytes.Length > 0) Then
Dim docStream As IO.Stream = fileuploadOpenFile.FileContent
Dim doc As Document = New Document(docStream)
' ...You can merge data/manipulate document content here.
Dim builder As DocumentBuilder = New DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.Write("Edited by ASpose.Words")
Dim stream As IO.MemoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream()
'Save document to memorystream
doc.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Doc)
'Create sql command
Dim commandString As String = "INSERT INTO Documents (FileName, FileContent) VALUES(@Name, @Doc)"
Dim command As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(commandString, conn)
'Add paramenter @Doc
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("Doc", stream.GetBuffer())
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("Name", IO.Path.GetFileName(fileuploadOpenFile.FileName))
'Open connection
'Write document to DB
'Close DB connection
End If

Also I created a sample demo application for you. See attachment.
Best regards.