Document does not allow you to save any changes

Sure. Attached are two PDF documents.

unlocked.pdf - this file was enabled for Reader entensions. Notice you can fill in form fields and save.

locked_after_FillField.pdf - this file used ASPOSE Form.FillField to fill in a form field. Notice when you open it, it says Extended features no longer available and you cannot fill in form fields.

If you open unlocked.pdf and manually type in form fields, and then save the PDF to a new file name, notice that you CAN still edit form fields on the new file. Somehow Adobe Reader is "saving" the Reader Extensions characteristic even after modifying form fields similar to the ASPOSE Form.FillField.

Hi Jai,

Thank you for sharing the documents.

I have shared your documents with our development team with the details shared by you. Our development team will further look into your requirement and share there feedback. We will update you via this forum thread regarding any updates via this forum thread.

Thank You & Best Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNEWNET-20907) have been fixed in Aspose.Pdf for .NET 7.2.0.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.


I am having this same issue using the trial version of Aspose PDF 7.6.0. Is it only a problem because I am using the trial version?

We are evaluating the trial version to see if it will meet our needs and so far it seems like it will if this issue is no longer a problem and works in the current version.

Specificaly what I would like to know is

  1. Is this just an issue in the current trial version?
  2. Will the paid for version of Aspose PDF version 7.6.0 solve this problem?


Hi Rod,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please follow the thread for your query.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,