Document Explorer for a Java shop

We are on a paid support plan for Aspose Words for Java. We need access to the Document Explorer tool. We are a Java shop. Our access to Microsoft tools is very limited. I have assigned the task for downloading and compiling the source code to the programmer who knows the most about this area (which is not very much) and he has not been successful. We need a compiled copy of this tool or some other way to look inside of a Word document and view the DOM. Please advise.

@riwright Unfortunately, there is no pre-compiled binary of DocumentExplorer available. DocumentExplorer is provided as Aspose.Words demo application. You can find it’s sources in our Github:

For what we’re paying for support, I had expected more than “compile it yourself” but if that’s all I get…

@riwright You should open the “DocsExamples” project and run “DocumentExplorer” with the following configuration: