Document extraction issue- Extracting PDF document into Gibberish


We are using Aspose page PDF extraction method, But below specified method is extracting the text into Gibberish. Please have a look into it as a priority issue.

public PageContent Extract(Aspose.Pdf.Page page)
    var pageRect = page.GetPageRect(false);
    var size = new Size(pageRect.Width, pageRect.Height);
    var position = new Position(pageRect.LLX, pageRect.LLY);
    var pageRotation = (int)page.Rotate;

    var pageContent = new PageContent(page.Number, size, position, pageRotation);
    page.Rotate = Rotation.None;

    var tables = _tableCellExtractor.ExtractTables(page).ToList();

    var paragraphs = _paragraphExtractor.ExtractParagraphs(page, tables);
    foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)

    foreach (var tableCell in tables.Where(t => t.HasText).SelectMany(t => t.Rows.SelectMany(r => r.Cells)))

    return pageContent;

public IEnumerable<Table> ExtractTables(Page page)
    var absorber = new Aspose.Pdf.Text.TableAbsorber();
    return absorber.TableList.Select(ExtractTable);

private Table ExtractTable(AbsorbedTable table)
    var tableRectangle = Rectangle.FromAsposeRectangle(table.Rectangle);
    var rows = table.RowList.Select(ExtractRow).ToList();
    return new Table()
        TableRectangle = tableRectangle,
        Rows = rows

public IEnumerable<TextArea> ExtractParagraphs(Aspose.Pdf.Page page, List<Table> tables)
    var absorber = new ParagraphAbsorber();
    var markup = absorber.PageMarkups[0];
    var markupParagraphs = markup.Sections.SelectMany(s => s.Paragraphs);

    return markupParagraphs.SelectMany(p => PrepareParagraph(p, tables));

private IEnumerable<TextArea> PrepareParagraph(MarkupParagraph markupParagraph, List<Table> tables)
    var textAreas = ExtractTextAreas(markupParagraph, tables).ToList();
    ApplyWhiteSpaces(markupParagraph, textAreas);
    return textAreas;

Here with we have attached the sample document.
SampleDocs_AsposeIssue.pdf (25.6 KB)


Your shared code snippet has some undefined and missing classes. Can you please share a minimal code snippet to replicate the issue? You can also share a sample console application in .zip format that can help us in replicating the issue in our environment and address it accordingly.

PS: Please make sure that you are using 23.11 version of the API and all required fonts are installed in the system.

Hi ,

Thanks for replying to us, I have created a console application to extract the text from the document.
You can use the attached sample document and debug the code. You can see the first line of the document itself extracting wrongly. the console application is zipped and attached in the drive. Please download it from the link.


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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-55998

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