Documentation to update excel source links


Is anyone aware of any documentation on how to update source links in an excel document?

For example:
Open the Excel Ribbon -> Data Tab -> Queries & Connections -> Edit Links

I am trying to determine if its possible to modify and existing link source to provide a new url.



See the following sample code on how to retrieve external links’ data source for your reference. You may change the source for your needs too:
Sample code:

var workbook = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook("e:\\test2\\Book1.xlsx");
            if (workbook.HasExernalLinks()) //Process external links 

                var links = workbook.Worksheets.ExternalLinks;

                for (int i = 0; i < links.Count; i++)
                    //you may also change the data source, etc. 
                    //your code goes here

Hope, this helps a bit.

Ill give this a shot.

Much appreciated!